Acne On The Chin? Why It Appears – And What Helps

acne on the chin causes

You will learn why acne appears on the chin, what acne on the chin causes, and what you can do effectively against skin impurities.

Acne On The Chin: Causes And Tips For The Skin Impurities

To understand how skin blemishes and acne occur, we must take a closer look at our skin. Sebaceous glands completely permeate it. And that’s a good thing because the sebum they secrete protects the skin from drying out.

However, if such a gland becomes clogged, the sebum accumulates, and blemishes appear on the skin. At first, these are only small blackheads. In contrast to a blackhead, a pimple is located under the skin and is noticeable by its redness. It develops when the sebaceous glands become inflamed due to the blockage.

Why Does The Body Produce Too Much Sebum?

Increased sebum production is usually hormonal. That is why very few people get through puberty without acne when the body produces more hormones. More specifically, testosterone, the male sex hormone, is to blame. Estrogens, on the other hand, actually prevent blemished skin.

The female body is also known to produce testosterone. Not only during puberty but also pregnancy and the second half of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation and before the period). And with this, in women, the pimple that has appeared on the chin may also be related, among other things.

Various influences such as diet (dairy products), too little sleep, or stress are also suspected of causing acne. However, this has yet to be scientifically proven. It is known, however, that certain skin types, combination skin or oily skin, tend to favor the development of blemishes. This is a genetic disposition that no one can influence, just as little as the natural hormone balance.

Foods that are consumed daily can also be a cause of acne, including acne on the chin. That is why we need to know what type of food could be acne on the chin causes.

Acne On The Chin: What Does The Location Say About Health?

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has already divided the face into zones to conclude organic causes, for example, the appearance of acne. This method is called face mapping. According to the theory, a pimple on the chin means that the stomach or large intestine is out of balance due to an unbalanced diet. Such a pimple could be related to diet. For example, if there is lactose intolerance.

Face Mapping: This Is What Acne On The Face Are Supposed To Mean

  • Acne in the nose and forehead area: the stress hormone adrenaline is to blame. You sleep too little, have stress at work or in your private life, or drink too much alcohol.
  • Acne in the jaw area: The colon is causing problems. You may consume too many industrially processed foods.
  • Acne on temple/hairline: you should check your hair care products. The pimple may be coming from greasy residue. I suggest skipping the gel or wax.
  • Acne on cheeks: Do you use the phone a lot? A dirty phone on your cheek for a long time can also lead to clogged pores.
  • Acne around the mouth: a sign of a diet that is too acidic or fatty.
  • Acne on the chin: Hormones are often the cause here. In women, acne may be about to have its period.

Skin Care Routine Against Acne

The word skin blemishes is misleading because acne has nothing to do with a lack of hygiene but much more with the predisposition. We can still do something about it.

If the underground pimple is already there: the most important rule – do not to squeeze it. This can lead to inflammation or even infection and worsening pimple situation. If the pimple already has a white cap, you can carefully remove it with a cosmetic tissue to drain the sebum. Disinfect the spot afterward.

To treat acne, dermatologists recommend products with zinc, which is contained in certain anti-acne products and has been shown to accelerate the wound healing process. Incidentally, a diet rich in zinc is also said to help curb sebum production. Your dermatologist may also prescribe effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications for stubborn acne. In addition, some home remedies for acne can support treatment.

The rule for the daily skincare routine is not to be too frequent and not too aggressive so that the skin can keep its natural protective layer. Cleansers, for example, should do without soap. Such a gentle product may be used once or twice a day; more can lead to more impurities. Use lukewarm water, not hot water, and gently pat your skin dry. By the way, peeling should be used at most once or twice a week.

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